The research is devoted to the problem of a philosophical text as a key element of modern humanitarian studies.As an original approach, the article focuses on the problems of the poetics of a philosophical text. The poetics of the text is considered in the context of the following issues: the diversity of genres of philosophical works; the problem of philosophical argumentation in a text; the role and function of philosophical concepts; the peculiarities of philosophical metaphor; the problem of translation of philosophical texts.The methodological basis of the research is hermeneutic procedures of text understanding, semiotic analysis of the structure of a text, and the methodology of topological analytics.Hermeneutics of philosophical test solves the question of the “event points” of a text, that is, those significant components of its structure, which help to understand a specific text, to include it in the system of subjective interpretation and a certain cultural context. The semiotics of a philosophical text considers it as the “hypertext space” of interaction. In this regard the communicative (interactive) function of a text is realized as a symbol phenomenon.Also, the semiotics of a philosophical text raises the question of boundaries of a text and raises the problem of “reading levels” of a text. The methodology of topological analysis, on the one hand, unites the efforts of hermeneutics and semiotics in understanding the logic and structure of a philosophical text, and on the other hand introduces a number of additional aspects to the investigated problem.
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