
The topic of human resources development is so extensive and global for enterprises that, first, it needs clarification of its content. In the article, we specified a chain of concepts: personnel, personnel potential, personnel value, potential benefits and losses, development of personnel potential of an agricultural enterprise or enterprises, clarified their content, formed a structural and logical scheme of these concepts. This is important, because when "personnel" is confused with "staff" or "human resources" in research, the focus of attention shifts when forming a system or measures for their development. In our opinion, when developing personnel, we think about its diversity, renewal of its mental state, worldview, personality development, because the "person" is at the center. Developing labor resources, we focus on productivity, efficiency of investments (financial, material) in achieving return on human labor. Developing personnel, emphasis is put on the professional and special component, leadership qualities, the ability to organize and attract, to lead to the achievement of the goal. What will this goal be in the context of agrarian business, both the business itself and the urgent needs that exist in the economy and society are determined. To clarify the concepts, we turned to several dictionaries, Ukrainian and international, to research the etymology of the concepts and note the omitted meaning. The personnel potential of an agricultural enterprise is the opportunities and prospects, first, economic, created by human resources, the advantages they provide. Personnel potential can be measured in terms of potential gains or potential losses. This should be the focus on the development of personnel potential of an agricultural enterprise or enterprises. Keywords: personnel potential, human resources, agrarian enterprise, structural and logical scheme, personnel

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