
The article analyzes the statistics of green energy development in the pre-war period. It is established that the total share of electricity supply from renewable sources in the energy balance of Ukraine in 2020-2021 increased from 6.6% to 7.1%. Based on expert publications, it is estimated that the reduction in electricity supplies from green sources due to the war is more than twice. The circumstances of such reduction are revealed. The author identifies the fundamental reason that hindered the development of green energy in the pre-war period: depreciation and cost recovery in green energy projects were higher than in traditional energy. It is proved that a full-scale war paradoxically changed the current economic situation in favor of green energy since, along with the aggressor's destruction of traditional energy facilities, the economic reasons for the attractiveness of their economic recovery disappeared. The author substantiates the significant advantage of innovative green energy projects over traditional ones. The author emphasizes the inexpediency of restoring traditional energy facilities, including due to logistical complications of energy supplies. The author reviews various areas of green energy, among which the production of green hydrogen will have the most significant innovative potential in the post-war period. Wartime criteria for selecting green energy projects are formulated. Positive trends in the restoration of green energy during the war, starting in 2023, have been identified. These include the return of some foreign developers to wind and solar power projects with a total capacity of more than 1000 MW. The mechanisms of state support for green energy projects have been disclosed. The first mechanism is regulatory support based on several laws and regulations. The second is administrative support, which is implemented in two areas: state agreements on attracting financing for green energy projects and state agreements on insuring military risks in work on such projects. Keywords: management, energy, alternative energy, projects, innovation potential, government support.

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