
Strategies for individualizing learning are an important and effective means of creating a barrier-free educational environment that takes into account the diverse needs, abilities and interests of each student. The purpose of the study was to characterize strategies for individualizing learning as a means of creating a barrier-free educational environment. The following strategies for individualizing learning are characterized: the use of differentiation of tasks and materials, the creation of different levels of tasks and access to materials for each student of secondary education; partnership with parents and the community; systematic assessment and monitoring of students' academic achievements, adaptation of the educational process to maximize the personal potential of each secondary education student; creation of an individual curriculum as a means of creating a barrier-free educational environment. It is emphasized that individualization of learning contributes to the development of each student, the use of individual approaches allows each student to advance in learning, taking into account their needs, pace of development and learning style. It is indicated that the creation of individualized curricula and assignments promotes the rapprochement of teacher and student, strengthens interaction and contributes to the positive development of the pedagogical process. It is emphasized that the use of strategies for individualizing learning is an important step in creating a barrier-free educational environment that promotes successful learning and development of each student. The strategies considered include differentiation of tasks and teaching methods, interactive technologies, individual curricula and other approaches aimed at taking into account the needs and abilities of each student. It is shown that the successful implementation of these strategies contributes to the creation of an environment in which every student has the opportunity to achieve their full potential, and barrier-free education becomes a reality in the educational process. It has been found that individualization of learning is an acceptor for creating a barrier-free educational environment where every student has the opportunity to access education and development in accordance with their needs and capabilities. It is concluded that strategies for individualizing learning are a key tool in creating a barrier-free educational environment that meets the needs of all students and contributes to their successful learning and development.

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