
Desertification is a global socio-ecologial - economic problem. Desertification has affected the South of Russia, including the territory of Kalmykia. The problem of desertification poses a threat to all sectors of the Republic’s economy, especially the agricultural sector.The agrarian sphere of the Republic of Kalmykia is not only agricultural production, but also engineering infrastructure, everyday life, health and income of the population. The fundamental point is that the higher the degree of land degradation, the less the socio-economic and environmental benefits accrue to the people living in the territory. Recent assessments of the Republic of Kalmykia rangeland fund indicate a rather low feed potential. The transformation of rangelands into arable land remains an unresolved problem. Among the problems of rational use of rangeland resources, the regulatory and legal failure to regulate the use of natural resources is highlighted, the current assessment of the state of soil and plant resources remains. It is impossible to carry out expert assessments of the condition without classical survey methods, absence of materials of large-scale soil and geobotanical cartographic affects on economic calculations, cadastral assessment of land and standardization of agricultural land use.

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