This study aims to determine the teacher's communication strategy in implementing character education, monotheism, courtesy and courtesy as well as discipline toward students of class fullday in SMP Muhammadiyah 7 Medan. The research method used by researchers in this research is descriptive method with qualitative analysis. The results obtained by the study that the first informant is the teacher uses a communication strategy approaching the Middleton communication strategy theory: (1) Tawheed character, communication strategies in implementing tawheed character education, communicators by taking into account the credibility of the source and then managing the class by attracting the attention of students by saying greetings and ask the students 'situation, the message conveyed is the material of monotheism rububiyah, uluhiyah and al asma' was shifat explained verbally and non-verbally using standard Indonesian and the latest language terms; (2) polite and polite characters, communication strategies in implementing polite and polite character education by paying attention to the credibility of the source, managing the class get the attention of students by calling two or more students to the front of the class to demonstrate the form of interaction of polite and polite characters that have an element of cuteness, a message that be delivered; (3) Discipline character, communication strategies in implementing disciplinary character education that is communicators pay attention to the credibility of the source, then get the attention of students by conducting questions and answers there are elements of jokes about the form of discipline of daily activities that are both useful or not.
This study aims to determine the teacher's communication strategy in implementing character education, monotheism, courtesy and courtesy as well as discipline toward students of class fullday in sekolah menengah pertama (SMP) Muhammadiyah 7
Strategi komunikasi guru dalam menerapkan pendidikan karakter kedisiplinan yaitu komunikator memperhatikan kredibilitas sumber, kemudian mendapatkan perhatian siswa dengan cara melakukan tanya jawab terdapat unsur candaan tentang bentuk kedisiplinan aktivitas sehari-hari yang baik bermanfaat maupun tidak, pesan yang disampaikan yaitu materi kedisiplinan dalam waktu, diri sendiri, nasional dan manfaat kedisiplinan, dijelaskan secara verbal didukung nonverbal pada waktu bersamaan dengan teknik informasi, persuasi dan instruksi, menggunakan bahasa Indonesia baku dipadukan dengan istilah bahasa populer dikalangan remaja, kemudian didukung penggunaan media buku, laptop, proyektor menampilkan slide materi kedisiplinan menyeluruh dikombinasikan dengan gambar, video, film dan berita kasus pelanggaran kedisiplinan, sehingga menciptakan efek konatif bagi diri siswa
E Middleton communication strategy theory: (1) Tawheed character, communication strategies in implementing tawheed character education, communicators by taking into account the credibility of the source and managing the class by attracting the attention of students by saying greetings and ask the students 'situation, the message conveyed is the material of monotheism rububiyah, uluhiyah and al asma' was shifat explained verbally and nonverbally using standard Indonesian and the latest language terms; (2) polite and polite characters, communication strategies in implementing polite and polite character education by paying attention to the credibility of the source, managing the class get the attention of students by calling two or more students to the front of the class to demonstrate the form of interaction of polite and polite characters that have an element of cuteness, a message that be delivered; (3) Discipline character, communication strategies in implementing disciplinary character education that is communicators pay attention to the credibility of the source, get the attention of students by conducting questions and answers there are elements of jokes about the form of discipline of daily activities that are both useful or not.
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