
Development in the current decade's curriculum still looks practical, materialistic, static and pragmatic. School institutions are often late in making improvements to educational programs. Designing a curriculum must understand various important and up-to-date issues in the midst of a flood of information in today's digital era. This study aims to determine the strategies used by teachers in designing the curriculum at MIN 3 Padang City. The research method used is descriptive qualitative by conducting interviews with Madrasah Heads and Teachers on May 3, 2023 and accompanied by a study of various appropriate references. The results of the study show that teachers must have the ability and be willing to develop their competencies in order to implement the curriculum, starting from the stages of planning, development, implementation to evaluation. Teachers must have four competencies, namely pedagogic, personality, social. and professionals. The inhibiting factor was found to be the lack of class time so that it was not optimal, it was seen that students were mostly silent and passive in learning. The purpose of this study is to describe what strategies are dominantly applied by teachers in designing curriculum at MIN 3 Padang City to answer students' challenges in the digital era.

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