
Issues of government support for agricultural sector, types of subsidies and procedure for their distribution are considered, as well as the role of subsidies in the development of agroindustrial complex of Kazakhstan. The goal is to develop theoretical and practical provisions for improving organizational and economic mechanism for financing agriculture in the Zhambyl region by the State. Methods – comparative, logical, statistical, analysis of structure and dyna-mics, tabular and graphical interpretation of information. Results – based on the analysis of the state of the main branches of agro-industrial complex, assessment of State assistance measures, factors hindering the growth in the volume of products produced by agricultural producers of the repu blic (concentration of production in households; unsatisfactory quality of raw materials; seasonal ity, low level of investment incentives; insufficient scientific and technical support). Conclusions – taking into account the existing problems of the small-scale nature of agro-industrial production, the need for cooperation of small forms of management is substantiated in order to bring together the efforts of all economic entities in one commodity flow, the availability of marketing agricultural products, providing consumers with quality goods, while large and small producers will have equal conditions for increasing their own, joint and State income. The article identifies such priority areas as the possibility of creating retail outlets in the markets and in trading houses for domestic food products, organization of scientific and industrial schools in order to improve the competence of individual entrepreneurs in agribusiness. The authors note that State regulation and support of agricultural economy is one of the strategic goals of the policy of effective protectionism and ensuring free competition in the agri-food market.

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