
The stimulated emissions from semipolar InGaN laser diode (LD) structures grown on (112¯2) GaN substrates are observed at room temperature under photopumped conditions. The measured emission peaks are in the photon energy range from 2.62eV (474nm)to3.05eV (405nm), and the emission intensity has a threshold behavior with respect to the pumping power. A strong in-plane optical anisotropy is observed between the two perpendicular directions, [1¯1¯23] and [11¯00], due to anisotropic matrix elements, which depend on the crystal orientation; the stimulated emission measured along the [1¯1¯23] direction occurs with a lower threshold pumping power at a lower energy compared to that obtained along the [11¯00] direction. The experimental results and the valence band calculations indicate that the transverse-electric mode with an electric vector along the [11¯00] direction is dominant for gain formation in semipolar and nonpolar InGaN LDs. Compared to c-plane InGaN LDs, semipolar InGaN LDs have comparable or less threshold pumping powers.

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