
Status is a social position one occupies in a society with its associated advantages and obligations. Being a part of the social web, this position is linked naturally to other social positions. In a purely sociological sense, status does not imply any grading, ranking or hierarchy among different social positions. However, the very fact that a particular social position carries certain benefits, privileges or power and these positions are related to each other, some status positions are seen as superior to others. It is in this context that the status or position of women is seen as inferior to that of men in any given society. Each or status position is expressed in terms of a Role. Role denotes a set of expectations and obligations associated with a particular status position within a group or social situation. The expectations and obligations entailed by a role are in terms of activities and qualities. (GOI, CSWI, 1974) In short, while status defines who a person is, role defines what such a person is expected to do. In this research paper discuss the status of Women in Indian Society a Historical Perspective.

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