
Transport execution influences directly the operational performance of distributed production systems. In order to attain efficiency, many decisions have to be taken, such as, (i) the choice of best route which minimizes travelling distance, (ii) the definition of proper scheduling, which improves the displacement timing, and (iii) the selection of transportation mode. Transport routing and scheduling present stochastic characteristics which can be described as functions of probability. In the recent literature, it has been suggested that complex stochastic problems can be solved using simulation-based optimization approaches (SBO). SBO combines the power of optimization heuristics with the advantages of simulation models which can evaluate the effect of parameter changes even on very complex systems. Since it is capable of capturing the relationships and interactions among various entities and subsequently identifying a good design or solution, SBO might represent a powerful support to decision-making in complex and stochastic situations such as transport routing and scheduling in distributed production systems. Furthermore, transport systems are highly dynamic, which have to adapt permanently to a variety of oscillations such as unpredictable demand, urgent requests of high priority, or disturbances such as vehicle crashes. On the technological frontier, the availability of system state data is facilitated by the introduction of cyber-physical systems and industry 4.0 concepts and technologies. Thereof, a new approach that employs the newly available data, enabling real-time revision of transport routing and scheduling as operations take place, embodies a research opportunity with potential practical impact. This paper aims to report the state of the art regarding SBO approaches applied to vehicle routing and scheduling problems with pick-up and delivery (VRPPD). The paper substantiate the relevance of developing new approaches for vehicle routing and scheduling along distributed manufacturing supply chains, which embrace the new possibilities created by the widespread employment of cyber-physical systems.

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