The Land Cadastre in Ukraine is a database and a defined system of actions in relation to the accounting, description and evaluation of land, which are carried out by competent state bodies for the appropriate purpose. Against this background, within our research,we propose to understand the concept of «State Land Cadastre Database» (SLCD) as a set of data placed in the corresponding unified state geoinformation system of land information. The outlined approach to understanding the concept allows us to fully agree that the considered unified state geoinformation system of land informationis the primary tool for managing the Land Fund.Analyzing the legislation, it can be noticed that the legislator understands under these specified objects not tables, queries, forms, reports, macros and modules, but rather land within the state border of Ukraine, land within the territory of administrative and territorial units, restrictions on the use of land, land plot. In view of this, it canbe assumed that the objects of the State Land Cadastre and the objects of the SLCD are not identical, and, consequently, the position that the State Land Cadastre is actually identical to the concept of «SLCD» in the narrow sense of the land cadastre is erroneous.This article shows results of analysis of the structure of SLCD and research about what meaning Ukrainian Legislator includes in the very noun of «State Land Cadastre objects». The main question, that author tries to answer in this research work is what is the differences between State Land Cadastre objects and objects of the StateGeoinformation System which are both functioning in Ukraine but didn’t have same level regulation in legislation.Based on discovered regulation of the State Land Cadastre objects (lands inside Ukrainian borders, lands inside smaller administrative units, lands usage restrictions, land parcels) author makes an attempt to define the meaning of objects of State Geoinformation System and appropriate approaches to their regulation. In case of Civil Law, described objects can be not only set of traditional civil competences but can be complicated units of intellectual property.
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