
Life is progressing headway by degrees. Today's world has changed a lot from the antecedent one. Today is the period of the pinnacle of the development of science and other arts. Life is changing its forms every moment of life. The forms of state security are no longer what they used to be in the past, so international agreements between two or more countries have become very foremost cardinal. International laws and agreements have become a slice of living word's politics. Especially since the establishment of the United Nations, hundreds of countries of the world have signed innumerable of international agreements. Many of these contracts contradict the Qur'an and Sunnah, above all these laws are forced upon the contracting countries by force, and those countries that violate these laws are charged with violating the treaty. Threats of strict action are given as an excuse. Some international agreements are also enforced on the people of contracting countries Arrival is made. Because wholesome of are related to the people and some are related to the state, that being the case, in this article, these agreements have been reviewed, that amongst these laws

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