
From RN to NP in rural health 1.Explore my journey as a rural RN, into a rural Emergency Department [ED] Nurse Practitioner [NP], employed to work in a GP led health service. This will be achieved through:•My personal reflection•Challenges faced•The positive impact of the NP position on staff and the community•Goals moving forward2.To inspire others in pursuing the NP career, and add to the discussion of promoting the NP role in healthcare services (N Jennings, Gardner, O’Reilly, & Mitra, 2015; Robins, Jamieson, Carroll, & Boreham-Downey, 2015) Personal opinion and reflection, with supported evidence (Bryson, 2016). Approval to use information and data from Western Australia Country Health Service [WACHS] obtained for this presentation (Mills, Lindsay, & Gardner, 2011; WACHS, 2010, 2015) 15 minute presentation Challenges working in rural setting, in GP led hospital. The rural ENP is not confined to Fast Track presentations (Natasha Jennings, 2013). Impact of having an ED specific practitioner in a rural hospital. 1.The transition from RN to NP is a challenge.2.The ED NP role is a vital role for rural and remote EDs.3.The ED NP is the vital link and support between rural and remote, GP clinics, and tertiary ED sites.

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