
The processes of technology and informatization of the modern world create new challenges and threats to the modern education system. Overcoming these threats by rejecting the achievements of civilization or by imposing significant restrictions is not rational and may lead to the degradation of society. The safety of primary school students in virtual information spaces can only be guaranteed by the level of information culture and skills to counter information threats. Given the mostly low level of readiness of adult members of society to counter informational and psychological attacks and influences, primary school teachers have maximum opportunities to form appropriate skills in primary school students. The effectiveness of their activities depends on their personal level of readiness to carry out this work. This level can be formed during course retraining within the framework of postgraduate education and during studies at universities in pedagogical specialties, in particular, in the master's degree under the educational program 013 Elementary education.The effectiveness of training will ensure the gradual assimilation of theoretical and methodological foundations on the issue of information security. Based on the above, we can distinguish the following stages of preparation of master's students for the activity of forming the skills of safe behavior of younger schoolchildren in virtual information spaces:1. Formation of master's students' understanding of the real threats of the information society and the ability to analyze their impact on both adult members of Ukrainian society and children of primary school age.2. Formation of countermeasures against detected and potentially predicted information threats.3. Formation of general methodological approaches to teaching subjects of the informative educational cycle in primary school with an emphasis on the topic of information security.4. Practical training during trainings of acquired methods of formation of information security skills in primary school students.The first three stages of training should be practically oriented with the involvement of lecture-seminar support, multimedia and printed resources. The fourth stage is purely practical and takes place in game and training form. Students at the fourth stage should be placed in virtual learning situations, during which they will have to convince and teach information security methods to virtual primary school students, identifying and taking into account their psychological, mental and epistemological features. To increase the effectiveness of this stage, you can create electronic simulators on the teacher's educational resource, which will allow each student to practice difficult situations at a convenient time, taking into account the age of the child and the presence of special educational needs.

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