
This article is dedicated to the speech portraying of linguistic personality of the journalist – one of the relevant problems of modern linguistics, substantiated by development of the methodology of reconstruction of linguistic personality, as well as the current state of journalism and linguistic problems of modern mass media. The authors attempt to create a speech portrait of personality of V. M. Peskov, whose words signify an example of journalistic mastery and high level of speech culture. Major attention is paid to the individual characteristics of artistic matter of the journalist that describe his linguistic personality, worldview and values. The conclusion is made that the individual speech portrait of V. M. Peskov allows determining his linguistic personality as the carrier of full-range type of speech culture that possesses not only professional, but also life experience and established system of ethical values. His signature speech indicates creative individuality and skillful use of expressive means, as well as following the laws of journalism genre and compliance with the norms of literary language. The novelty of this research consists in the authors’ attempt to reveal the individual speech characteristics of V. M. Peskov on the one hand, and qualities typical for a top-notch newspaper journalist, which would allow to develop criteria for classification of the carrier of high speech culture.

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