
In the article, based on the essays of 11th grade students in the Unifi ed State Exam format, an analysis of speech failures was carried out in order to determine the connection between the nature of the identifi ed failures and the communicative norms of the modern communicative and speech space in which modern schoolchildren communicate. The most regular speech failures found in written statements, identified by a continuous sampling method in the works of students at the preparatory department of Chelyabinsk State University in the 2022-2023 academic year, are characterized. Using methods of observation, description, interpretation and classifi cation, the question of how modern means of communication change the communicative space of schoolchildren and whether the phenomenon of expanding the communicative space of a schoolchild is a signifi cant factor in the formation of the characteristics of his written speech is studied. It has been established that, along with traditional factors of speech failures, such as the poor vocabulary of students, the low level of their reading culture, the absence or low level of knowledge about the functional-style differentiation of language, minimal experience in writing creative works, the infl uence of the media and Internet language on speech of society, active borrowing of foreign words, low level of motivation, an important role in the occurrence of speech failures of high school graduates is played by such factors as the expansion of the test form of control in educational institutions, which does not form the skill of coherent speech, the expansion of the communicative space of students through Internet discourses with unsettled, rapidly changing and insuffi ciently studied norms, the formalization of the Unifi ed State Exam composition genre, the clichéd nature of the recommended models.

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