
The purpose of the study is to identify the hypertext features of a professional blog in the space of the Internet environment. The professional type of blog is a separate unit of the Internet environment and is characterized by a hypertext structure within the framework of Internet communication. The article analyzes the main structural and content characteristics of a professional blog from the point of view of the hypertext organization of the Internet environment. The study is based on the material of the English language. The theoretical significance is determined by the fact that the data obtained make it possible to deepen knowledge about such important aspects of modern linguistics as the linguistic nature of electronic hypertext, its structural and substantive aspects. In addition, the study of hypertext features of professional English-language blogs contributes to the development of the theory of speech genres in the context of Internet communication. The practical significance of the research is reflected in the fact that its results can be used in the process of teaching general language theory, the basics of computational linguistics, sociolinguistics, pragmalinguistics, as well as in the development of elective courses on Internet communication. Using the methods of continuous sampling and description, the study analyzed the text units of 3 professional blogs of large foreign companies conducted in English. As a result, it was revealed that the professional type of blog is a hypertext unit of the Internet environment, representing a frame model with periodically updated author's posts, hypertext links, and comments. Despite the large number of works devoted to the study of hypertext, its organization and genre affiliation, there is currently no single and generally recognized typology of hypertext in the context of the professional variety of blogs, its creation is one of the priorities of modern researchers due to the rapid development of blog technologies. The scientific novelty lies in the approach that was taken to study the structural and content features of hypertext in the context of other types of blogs. In this regard, the basic principles of this approach are analyzed, the defining features of a blog are identified, taking into account its professional variety. Special attention was paid to the structure of electronic hypertext: the functional differentiation of hypertext links and ways of organizing links between hypertexts were considered.

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