
The article examines the forms of speech etiquette and communication culture in Turkish and Arabic languages. The speech component of etiquette is considered as a verbal form of expressing polite relations between people, which is used in the process of communication. This reflects the social relations that are essential for a given society, as well as the forms that exist within the tradition. If etiquette affects our behavior in social terms, then speech etiquette regulates our speech communication and this determines its distinctive feature. In certain life situations, there are appropriate rules and norms of behavior, they determine the speech reaction, speech activity of people due to specific aspects of language use related to the choice of necessary expressions and words, rules. Speech etiquette is typical for dialogic speech. Conditions that depend on the characteristics of culture and tradition are correlated with different types of communication, when a stereotypical situation occurs during communication. This environment forms the foundation of the national culture of the certain people. Greeting and farewell rituals and related speech cliches in Turkish and Arabic cultures have much in common.

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