
The article focuses on the study of the speech etiquette characteristics and use in Russian and Kalmyk languages. The subject of the research in this article is a comparative analysis of complimentary remarks in the Russian and Kalmyk languages. Speech etiquette allows us to choose the right direction of conversation according to the regulatory elements such as moral and social norms of behaviour which depend on the type of situation, interlocutors’ social status, temper, and the relationship between them. Speech etiquette comprises phrases expressing requests, compliment, apology, etc. The role of speech etiquette is now considered as an important issue: it is involved in all areas of our social life and mostly depends on the pragmatic factors of speech. On the other hand, according to the foreign and domestic linguistics, speech etiquette can be viewed from the perspective of sign-oriented meanness which depends primarily on the national and cultural characteristics of communication. In terms of social interaction human’s speech etiquette depends on the methods and rules of communication of the specific social group he/she represents. Pragmatics primarily focuses on the effective communication strategies which particularly comprise phrases expressing complimentary remarks. Complimentary remarks or diplomatic niceties become an important part of speech etiquette, they are precisely aimed at the implementation of effective communication particularly in a competitive interaction. Compliments are speech acts which maintain, improve or support the communication and reflects human’s psychological and emotional state. According to the genre studies, compliments are considered as the most influential speech genre.

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