
The detection of squeezed optical fields generated by intracavity nonlinear-optical interactions is described. The relationship between quantum-statistical properties of the cavity mode and those of the field at a detector placed outside the cavity discussed. The detected field is composed of a source field from the cavity plus a free external field. The free field couples weakly to the cavity so that it is correlated with the source field. The photocurrent spectrum in optical homodyne detection is calculated, and the spectrum of squeezing is defined. This spectrum can be calculated entirely in terms of intracavity fields without requiring knowledge of the correlations between source and free-field contributions in the cavity output. This follows from an explicitly normally ordered, time-ordered treatment of the photodetection problem. Contrasting earlier treatments of photodetection for squeezed fields, in a normally ordered approach, shot noise arises naturally from the self-correlation of photocurrent for pulses. The derived spectrum is converted into nonnormally ordered, non-time-ordered form to recover the results of these earlier treatments and their interpretation of shot noise in terms of local-oscillator quantum noise, signal and quantum noise, and detector-efficiency quantum noise.

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