
AbstractThis paper aims to explore Spanish curriculum policy related to song in early childhood education. By means of a document analysis, the different state governments' guidelines were reviewed. Song and singing songs are included in the official documents as curriculum content, as a pedagogical tool to approach curriculum content, and as an activity that helps promote personal and social development. In the first case, song is associated with the interpretative, aesthetic or artistic values to be enhanced in the early childhood; in the second case, singing songs is identified as a means to approach foreign language learning and as a way to gain a better understanding of culture; and lastly, as an activity that can help strengthen group cohesion, interpersonal relationships and the sense of belonging to a community. The present study findings suggest that song is taken into account as a valuable educational means in early childhood curriculum. Further study is needed to analyse how singing is approached in teacher education and how it is integrated into teachers' daily practices.

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