
Studying and analyzing Federal law No. 426-FZ On special assessment of working and the order of the Ministry of labour and social protection of the Russian Federation dated 24 January 2014 N 33n On approval of the Methodology for the conduct of special assessment of working conditions, Classifier harmful and (or) dangerous production factors, the form of the report on the conduct of special assessment of working conditions and the procedure for its completion, in this work was compared and determined the differences between the workplaces and the current special assessment of working conditions. Unlike certification of workplaces, which describes the actual status of working conditions, the new procedure provides a comprehensive scope of work for the assessment of working conditions at the workplace, where issues of labour protection, social welfare workers, planning the organization's expenditures on activities to improve the conditions. Identified errors in the law on special evaluation that are contrary to his execution. We consider some problems that arise in the identification of harmful and (or) dangerous factors of working environment working process Classifier, such as climate, aerosols preferential fibrogenic nature of the action, the tension, working position, a biological factor, and issues relating to the assessment of level of exposure to harmful and dangerous factors of the employee during the working process. And not identified in connection with the legal documents the measurements of the Classifier. Based on the identified errors and inconsistencies, it is obvious that the Method of special assessment of working conditions needs to be reviewed. A broad discussion of Methodologies for the assessment of working conditions, the accumulation of relevant examples, expert tips will allow you to find ways to improve the document.

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