
Introduction. Before the entry into force of the Federal law of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ "On special assessment of working conditions" one of the available and effective elements of occupational risk assessment in the workplace was workplace certification (WPC) for working conditions, which allows to identify harmful and/or dangerous factors of the production environment, assess the risk levels in the workplace and determine the main areas of employee protection from the adverse effects of harmful production factors. The results of a special assessment of working conditions (SAWC) can be used not only to develop and implement measures aimed at improving the working conditions of employees, informing employees about working conditions and the existing risk of damage to their health, but also to establish guarantees and compensation provided for by the Labor code of the Russian Federation (RF) for employees engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions. The aim of the study is to identify problematic issues during the implementation of SAWC at the workplaces of medical workers to prevent possible errors in its further implementation. Materials and methods. We used data obtained from the results of WPC and SAWC of medical workers of various medical organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan (RT). A retrospective analysis of cases of occupational diseases was applied according to the data of the Department of Rospotrebnadzor for the Republic of Tatarstan and the register of patients of the Republican Center of Occupational Pathology. Results. In the RT medical organizations according to the results of SAWC marked decrease in the number of jobs with hazardous working conditions from 92.2% to 78.2% due to the fact that the methodology of the SAWC will not assess the intensity of the work process in all workplaces health workers, and identification and evaluation of biological factors do not always reflect the actual microbiological status of the environment. As a result, working conditions are assessed as acceptable, which deprives medical workers of previously established guarantees and compensation. In addition, during periodic medical examinations (PME), studies on the biological factor are not fully carried out, which makes it difficult to diagnose viral hepatitis, which occupies the second place in the structure of occupational morbidity of medical workers. Conclusions. For high-quality implementation of SAWC in medical organizations, it is necessary to assess the intensity of the labor process of medical workers, taking into account intellectual, sensory, emotional loads, monotony of loads and working hours, and for the correct assessment of the biological factor, it is recommended to introduce an epidemiologist to the commission.

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