
The results of studies on the biochemical parameters of the blood of 1.5-year- old young horses of the Yakut breed in comparison of well-fed and low-fed horses are pre- sented. The results revealed some significant discrepancies in the indicators of protein and carbohydrate-lipid metabolism. Normal digestion in a horse proceeds with a protein ratio of at least 1:9-11. With the loss of fatness, this ratio is violated, which leads to digestive dis- orders, and this in turn can lead to serious violations of the entire homeostasis in the body. And, apparently, this is why such animals get rid of the fetus in order to preserve their lives – an abortion occurs. Abortions of this nature are more likely to occur in winter with longer low temperatures: minus 45 ° C and below, with snow falling more than 50 cm deep. At the same time, in horses, first of all, the energy costs of maintaining thermoregulation and the costs of movement for obtaining tebenevochny feed increase. The most effective way to prevent alimentary abortions is stationary preventive feeding of horses until the fatness of horses decreases in early December and longer stationary feeding of horses for 30-45 days, depending on the fatness of horses, in February-March. Norms and feeding rations of foaled mares during stationary feeding should provide metabolic energy, protein, macro-microele- ments and vitamins in those quantities and proportions that would ensure rapid recovery of deficiency and a certain amount of substances in the body that allows comfortable foaling. Keywords: Yakut horse breed, metabolism, blood, biochemistry, young animals.

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