
Problem setting. This article deals with the modern world, where young people live and develop in the environment of many different sources of powerful influence on them, both positive and negative, which everyday impacts on the unsustainable intellect and feelings of youth, the sphere of morality that is being formed. The morale of the young generation is falling rapidly, causing anxiety in the society and the need to take measures to improve the moral situation. Today in society there is a need, and in the state - a social order for a spiritual and moral personality. However, at the state level, there is virtually no regulatory framework and other documents that would deal specifically with moral education, which would regulate the goals, tasks, principles, ways of forming the moral benchmarks for young people.Recent research and publications testify the attention of many scholars to the problem of the fully developed personality formation in particular, moral development and upbringing. Each era advanced new and new complex features of morality, became deeper aware of the mechanisms of its functioning, however, the fact that the need and relevance of moral and educational activities of person and society. Despite of deep-seated work of scientists on these issues, the problem of moral education, the formation of the moral culture of youth remains relevant, and because of the lack of development this problem in terms of modern realities and problems that have arisen in Ukraine, and weak orientation of research into contemporary social and pedagogical reality.Paper objective. Consider some aspects of the significance of moral and morality, find out the problems of modern youth moral education, as well as identify possible ways to solve them.Paper main body. Social life is carried out with the help of many instruments, the most important of which are the morality, which ensures the preservation and support of the collective way of people’s life, the establishment of relations, life takes place, self-actualizing members of society, etc. Through observance of moral principles, harmonization of relations is ensured, which creates conditions for the maintenance and reproduction of the actual human way of life. The phenomenal nature of the human invention - morality - is precisely that one person can only act in accordance with morality. Consequently, being moral means to be human.Morality is not a natural characteristic of man, and it is impossible to teach a person moral choice as a certain mathematical formula. However, morality can and should be formed purposefully and persistently. That is the content of moral education. Moral education is one of the types of educational system; it is aimed at influencing people in order to form their moral consciousness, moral qualities and abilities that meet the needs of social life and self-actualization of the individual.The task of upbringing morality gradually disappeared from the list of urgent problems of a developing country. The lack of organized targeted activity to reproduce and develop the morality of the people, first of all, the young generation, is a threat to the viability of both society and the state.The implementation of moral education system and creating social conditions for positive social upbringing today there are many problems that require the search for solutions to them. Among the most important, in our opinion, are the following: social and political, and economic situation of modern Ukraine; lack of communication between the government and society for mutual adequate awareness and mutual influence; the destruction of the traditional way of life, the crisis of the family, the very low moral culture level of most modern parents; the lack of ethical education and the concept of moral education; negative influence of mass media, social networks; insufficient role of religion and church in the moral revival of Ukraine.Conclusions of the research. Some aspects and problems of moral education of young people in Ukraine are not exhaustive. There are both objective and subjective problems,. Morality and moral culture are a purposeful process of education, up-bringing and self-education. The significant role is played by society and the state, which have the duty to create and provide conditions for the moral, and in general, the spiritual development and existence of each person.

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