
It is noted that somatic rights, which define human rights to the inviolability of the physical body and medical autonomy, are gaining increasing importance in the modern world. The protection and enforcement of these rights are becoming urgent challenges because they determine the way in which health care is provided and received.
 It has been established that somatic rights are defined as human rights to the inviolability of the physical body and the right to control it. These rights include the right to privacy of medical information, the right to freely choose medical procedures, as well as the right to confidentiality and protection from any form of medical discrimination. Somatic rights are an important aspect of general human rights and ensure that individuals can make their own decisions about their physical health and medical procedures.
 It is emphasized that medical law recognizes the right of a person to freedom of choice of medical procedures and treatment, as well as the right to refuse medical intervention. This is related to a person's right to control his physical body and make decisions about it. It also provides protection against any form of medical discrimination based on gender, age, race, religion or other characteristics, which contributes to the observance of the principle of equal opportunities and respect for somatic rights in all areas of medical practice.
 It is emphasized that reproductive rights include the right to freely choose the number of children, intervals between births, as well as the right to access information and services related to reproductive health. They allow a person to make decisions about their reproductive future according to their own values and beliefs. Medical law includes norms and principles that regulate medical practice, relationships between medical professionals and patients, and also ensure compliance with ethical standards in the medical field.

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