Decades of exponential scaling in high-performance computing (HPC) efficiency is coming to an end. Transistor-based logic in complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology is approaching physical limits beyond which further miniaturization will be impossible. Future HPC efficiency gains will necessarily rely on new technologies and paradigms of computing. The Ising model shows particular promise as a future framework for highly energy-efficient computation. Ising systems are able to operate at energies approaching thermodynamic limits for energy consumption of computation. Ising systems can function as both logic and memory. Thus, they have the potential to significantly reduce energy costs inherent to CMOS computing by eliminating costly data movement. The challenge in creating Ising-based hardware is in optimizing useful circuits that produce correct results on fundamentally nondeterministic hardware. The contribution of this paper is a novel machine learning approach, a combination of deep neural networks and random forests, for efficiently solving optimization problems that minimize sources of error in the Ising model. In addition, we provide a process to express a Boltzmann probability optimization problem as a supervised machine learning problem.
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