
This article is devoted to solarpunk, a literary genre that emerged at the end of the second decade of the 21 st century. The main research tools are ecocriticism and cultural comparative studies, allowing the inclusion of other fields of science in the research of literature, such as: history, anthropology, sociology or ecology. In this article, I analyze solarpunk within other fantasy genres. I am discussing the novel Ecotopia by Ernest Calenbach and the Brazilian collection of short stories, Solarpunk. Ecological and Fantastical Stories in a Sustainable World. Anthology. Contrary to post-apocalyptic works or climate fiction, the creators of solarpunk believe that modern technology will help overcome the ecological crisis by promoting the idea of sustainable development. It is worth emphasizing that solarpunk, like steampunk, applies not only to literature, but also to lifestyle (the idea of slow life). Solarpunk creates a futuristic vision of the world after the energy transformation. In the presented world, the space of the state ceases to play a key role, what matters is the community, a group of people who can change the surrounding reality. Solarpunk criticizes capitalism and the consumer lifestyle. By promoting the idea of sustainable development, the creators of this genre do not reject modern technology, but try to find a balance between the real and virtual world. It is worth noting that the American solarpunk is utopian, while Brazilian creators are less optimistic, because in the energy transformation they see threats related to possible armed conflict, immoral experiments or the production of modern biological weapons.

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