
The embedded software industry wants microprocessors with increased computing functionality that maintains or reduces space, weight, and power (SWaP). Single core processors were the key embedded industry solution between 1980 and 2000 when large performance increases were being achieved on a yearly basis and were fulfilling the prophecy of Moore’s Law. Moore’s Law states that “the number of transistors that can be placed inexpensively on an integrated circuit doubles approximately every two years.”1 With the increased transistors, came microprocessors with greater computing throughput while space, weight and power were decreasing. However, this ‘free lunch’ did not last forever.2 The additional power required for greater performance improvements became too great starting in 2000. Hence, single core microprocessors are no longer an optimal solution. Although, distributed and parallel programming solutions provide greater throughput, these solutions unfortunately increase SWaP. The most likely solution is multi-core processors which have been introduced into the embedded processor markets. Most microprocessor manufacturers have converted from developing single core processors to multi-core processors. With this conversion, the prophecy of Moore’s Law is still being achieved. See Figure 1 and notice how the single core processors are not keeping pace with the multi-core processors. Multi-core processors increase throughput while maintaining or reducing SWaP for embedded environments which make them a good hardware solution for the aerospace industry. Intel, in particular, has estimated that by 2011, 95% of all the processors it ships will contain a multi-core design. However, the software market shows less optimism with multi-core processors. For instance, only 40% of software vendors thought their tools would be ready for multi-core processing by 2011. The reasons for software engineering’s lack of excitement with multi-core processors include the following drawbacks:  Lack and immaturity of multi-core specific development and debug software tools.  Lack of multi-core processor standards.  Lack and immaturity of multi-core enabled system software.

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