
The article analyzes the features of the school essays at the late 19th - early 20th century, recorded in the well-known collections of essays and manuals of this period. Despite the fact that the essay at the turn of the centuries functioned exclusively as a form of work in the Russian language and literature, it used, in addition to literary material, a wide socio-cultural problematic. A significant number of socio-cultural orientation topics continued in the high school, when the grammar course finished and close study of the Russian classics began. This situation was determined to a certain extent by the fact that the General goals of studying at school were associated primarily with mastering the stylistic and grammatical norms of the Russian language, rather than the depths of literary analysis, as it developed later in the 20th century. In the process of methodical works analysis and thematic classification of works the author comes to the conclusion that the historical and literary theme of the essays was not dominant in the subject Russian language and literature in this historical segment. In the model of the Russian school, including the senior classes of the gymnasium, there was a wide range of socio-cultural themes of essays related to the student’s cultural and social experience. Along with historical and literary themes, the content of school essays at the turn of the 19−20th centuries was closely connected with sociological, historical, cultural problems, which occupy a key place in the public discourse of this historical period.


  • В статье анализируются особенности тем школь- The article analyzes the features of the school essays ного сочинения конца XIX - начала XX в., зафикси- at the late 19th - early 20th century, recorded in the рованные в известных сборниках сочинений и well-known collections of essays and manuals of this методических пособиях данного периода

  • Значитель- tation topics continued in the high school, when the ное количество тем социально-культурной grammar course finished and close study of the Rusнаправленности сохранялось и в курсе словесно- sian classics began. This situation was determined to a сти старших классах гимназии, где заканчивался certain extent by the fact that the General goals of курс грамматики и начиналось непосредственное studying literature at school were associated primariизучение русской классики

  • In фикаций сочинений автор приходит к выводу о the model of the Russian school, including the senior том, что историко-литературная тематика сочи- classes of the gymnasium, there was a wide range of нений не была доминантной в рамках предмета socio-cultural themes of essays related to the stu«русский язык и словесность» на данном истори- dent’s cultural and social experience

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В статье анализируются особенности тем школь- The article analyzes the features of the school essays ного сочинения конца XIX - начала XX в., зафикси- at the late 19th - early 20th century, recorded in the рованные в известных сборниках сочинений и well-known collections of essays and manuals of this методических пособиях данного периода. На наш взгляд, определялась тем, что темы сочинений оптимально объединяли в себе баланс фактического и литературного материала и вызывали непосредственный интерес учащихся. Что проблема тематических классификаций, включающих сочинения различного характера (не только историко-литературного), регулярно актуализировалась в методических трудах рубежа XIX-ХХ вв.

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