
The goal is to assess the current situation of social development of the village, identify the main factors hindering the revival of rural areas, reduction of the number of rural population, especially young people, and migration from the village to the city. Determination of the measures aimed to ensure employment, infrastructure development, favorable conditions for improving the living standards of rural residents. Methods – analytical, economic-statistical, monographic, calculation-constructive. Results – analysis of the current state of social development of the village was carried out, during which disproportions in the age structure of the rural population of the republic, trends in reduction of the number of young people and increasing the number of the retired people, changes in the number of rural settlements that have the necessary potential to create a comfortable living environment for the population and trends in the subsequent abolition of villages have been revealed. Conclusions – the problems of population migration from rural areas to the cities, the lack of jobs that force people to work outside their place of residence, low incomes of rural residents, the outflow of young people from villages to the cities justify the need to develop comprehensive measures for rural development, including improvement of living conditions through the development of housing, communal and social infrastructure, expanding the scope of activities in the countryside through the development of not only agricultural sector, but also service sector, construction, storage systems, primary processing of agricultural products, agritourism, crafts. The complexity of solving the problems of rural areas will contribute to the revival of the village, the stable growth of agricultural production and other sectors of economy of rural areas.

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