
The objective of this research is to identify relationships between social context dimensions and hardiness in elite weightlifting athletes. Methods: The design: non-experimental, cross-sectional and correlational, the participants were 20 athletes who belong to the elite as the national team of Mexico, they are between 19 and 28 years of age, M = 22.05 SD = 2.91, 8 men (40%) and 12 women (60%). 2 instruments were used, the first is the Perception of Factors Related to Excellence in Sport (PFED), (Simón, 2009) consisting of 54 items 6 variables, coach, environment and resources, athlete, family, nature of training and characteristics of the training and the second the questionnaire of hardiness in Central American and Caribbean Athletes (PRDCC) (Ponce, 2017; Ponce-Carbajal et al. 2015) of 18 items and three variables, commitment control and challenge. In the procedure, a file was created in google forms and coaches who are in charge of athletes from the Mexican national weightlifting team were contacted. The statistical analyzes used were frequencies, descriptive, reliability, and Spearman's bivariate correlations. Results: Adequate internal consistency in almost all the variables, between .40 and .92 in the 2 questionnaires. In the correlations between variables of the social context and those of the hardiness, relationships were evidenced between the total resistant personality and the nature of the training with an r = .767** and the challenge variable correlated with two, the first is the nature of the training r =.834** and with the characteristics of training r =.671**. Conclusion, the relationships between the variables of the social context and the resistant personality are confirmed.

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