
This study aims to find out how the service system provided by the Public Broadcasting Institute of Radio Republik Indonesia Bukittinggi in the field of business development and to describe what programs are offered by the Public Broadcasting Institution of Radio Republik Indonesia Bukittinggi to RRI Partners to improve cooperation partners in the business sector. The development of this partnership is carried out in the form of broadcasting and non-broadcast services, by utilizing each of RRI's assets, it is hoped that a mutually beneficial relationship will be reached between RRI and partners.
 This type of research is a type of descriptive research (descriptive research) with a qualitative approach. Descriptive research aims to make (descriptive) systematically, factually, and accurately regarding certain facts, situations, or events. Qualitative methods here emphasize inductive analysis, not deductive analysis. Where inductive analysis is to solve a problem and the data collected is not intended to support or reject hypotheses that have been compiled before the study begins, but abstractions are compiled as specificities that have been collected and grouped together through a process of careful data collection. 
 Based on the results of research in the field, it can be concluded that the Business Development Service System at the Radio Public Broadcasting Institution of the Republic of Indonesia Bukittinggi can be concluded as follows:
 First, the form of service system provided by the Public Broadcasting Institute of Radio Republik Indonesia Bukittinggi in the field of business development is in accordance with the rules and regulations that have been set by the chairman of LPP RRI Bukittinggi number 4 of 2020 concerning job descriptions of LPP RRI Bukittinggi employees.
 Second , the program offered by the Public Broadcasting Agency of Radio Republik Indonesia Bukittinggi to RRI Partners to increase cooperation partners in the business sector is to implement the 6M strategy (Men, Money, Machines, Materials, Method and Market) where each component is improved both from people, funding, equipment, materials, methods (methods) and markets. Programs that have been carried out to partner institutions in collaboration with the government such as: The District Attorney's Office, the Environment Agency, satpol PP BPJS and the Health Office

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