
Abstract—Information and communication technology in this era it’s very rapid development. The impact of this information technology is very large felt in supporting the performance and activities ranging from schools, businesses and government agencies. Government agencies have used a lot of information systems that help the performance of these agencies to support the speed of the government process, but this information system has not been used as a whole in the government process especially in the sub-district office that still uses manual methods in recording inventory data owned by the agency. This research was made with the waterfall method that begins with the planning process of the system in which in this process a system of planning will be made related to the problems that exist in the camat petang office, then the modeling process where the system in the form of system design will be made, then the process is carried out implementation and testing of systems that have been made. Based on the problems and data obtained, an asset management information system and inventory were made using QR-Code, this system is useful for recording assets, providing information related to assets in a complete and fast way and providing convenience in bleaching items that are damaged or cannot be used anymore. 
 Keywords: simanis, information systems, management, assets, inventory, QR-Code


  • Intisari—Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi di era sekarang ini perkembanganya sangatlah pesat

  • large felt in supporting the performance and activities ranging from schools

  • Government agencies have used a lot of information systems that help the performance of these agencies to support the speed

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Teknologi informasi di bidang kepemerintahan sangat penting dan tidak dapat dipisahkan dengan proses manajemen, hal ini dikarenakan hampir setiap keputusan manajemen selalu membutuhkan dukungan teknologi informasi termasuk dalam manajemen aset dan inventaris. Besarnya investasi yang dimiliki di dalam aset dan inventaris tersebut mengakibatkan perlunya pengelolaan terhadap aset dan inventaris tersebut. Setiap aset dan inventaris yang dimiliki organisasi haruslah di kelola dengan efektif dan efisien sehingga aset dan inventaris tersebut dapat memberikan manfaat tertinggi bagi organisasi tersebut. Penulis memberikan sebuah solusi untuk mengatasi persoalan-persoalan tersebut berupa Sistem Informasi Manajemen Aset dan Inventaris menggunakan QR Code Berbasis WEB di Kantor Camat Petang. Sistem ini akan membantu melakukan penataan aset dan inventaris yang di miliki secara benar, tepat dan efisien, baik dari segi waktu, tenaga (human resource), dan biaya (cost) dimana sistem yang akan dirancang mempunyai fasilitas untuk mengelompokan aset dan inventaris, memasukan jumlah aset dan inventaris, keterangan kondisi masing-masing aset dan inventaris dan hal-hal yang bisa dilakukan lebih spesifik lagi terhadap aset dan inventaris yang ada di kantor camat Petang

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