
The single-crystal e.s.r. spectra of the title compound [VOCl2(OPPh3)2], at 298 K and Q-band frequencies, in the crystallographic ab, bc*, and ac* planes are reported. These spectra were interpreted by simulation, which involved diagonalisation of the matrix resulting from the axial spin Hamiltonian (i) and the assumption of a Gaussian line-shape function with linewidths composed of a Van Vleck truncated dipolar contribution plus an addition linewidth. ℋ=β[g∥HzŜz+g⊥(HxŜx+HyŜy)]+A∥ŜzIz+A⊥(ŜxIx+ŜyIy)(i) The spin-Hamiltonian parameters which gave good simulations were g∥= 1.930 ± 0.002, g⊥= 1.974 ± 0.002, A∥=–(175.0 ± 2.8)× 10–4 cm–1 and A⊥=–(66.1 ± 2.8)× 10–4 cm–1. These parameters were used, in conjunction with the published electronic absorption spectrum, to derive the molecular-orbital coefficients in an empirical molecular-orbital scheme for the molecule.

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