
Recent interest in the industrial manufacture of ethanol and other organic chemicals from biomass has led to the utilization of surplus grain and cane juice as a fermentation feedstock. Since those starting materials are also foods, they are expensive. As an alternative, cellulosic substances-the most abundant renewable resources on earth(1)-have long been considered for conversion to readily utilizable hydrolyzates.(2, 3)For the production of ethanol from cellulose, we have proposed the simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) process.(4) In SSF, enzymatic cellulose hydrolysis and glucose fermentation to ethanol by yeast proceed simultaneously within one vessel. The process advantages-reduced reactor volume and faster saccharification rates-have been confirmed by many researchers.(5-8) During SSF, the faster saccharification rates result because the glucose product is immediately removed, considerably diminishing its inhibitory effect on the cellulase system.(9)To effectively apply the SSF method to produce substances fermented from glucose, several conditions should be satisfied. One is coincident enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation conditions, such as pH and temperature. The other is that cellulase inhibition by the final product is less than that by glucose and/or cellobiose. One of us has reported that acetic acid, citric acid, itaconic acid, alpha-ketoglutaric acid, lactic acid, and succinic acid scarcely inhibit cellulase.(10) This suggests that if the microorganisms which produce these organic acids were compatible with cellulase reaction conditions, the organic acids could be produced efficiently from cellulosic substrates by SSF.In this article, the successful application of SSF to lactic acid production from cellulose is reported. Though there have been several reports of direct cellulose conversion to organic acids by anaerobes such as Clostridium, only trace amounts of lactic acid were detected in the fermentation medium among the low-molecular-weight fatty acid components.(11-13) Lactic acid is one of the most important organic acids and has a wide range of food-related and industrial applications.

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