
No validated method exists for measuring lidocaine and its metabolites in myocardial tissue. We modified a previously described high-performance liquid chromatographic assay and applied it to plasma and to homogenized myocardial samples obtained from dogs that had received lidocaine by a double-infusion technique. Recovery of lidocaine, monoethylglycylxylidide and glycylxylidide after homogenization and extraction is reported. Assay variability, sensitivity and linearity over a wide range of sample sizes are also described. The results obtained with high-performance liquid chromatographic analysis are compared to quantitation of 14C-labeled lidocaine plus metabolites measured by an oxidation—scintillation technique. Myocardium to plasma partition coefficients for lidocaine, monoethylglycylxylidide and glycylxylidide were 2.16, 4.27, and 2.91, respectively.

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