With nano-scale technology and Moore's Law end, architecture advance serves as the principal means of achieving enhanced efficiency and scalability into the exascale era. Ironically, the field that has demonstrated the greatest leaps of technology in the history of humankind, has retained its roots in its earliest strategy, the von Neumann architecture model which has imposed tradeoffs no longer valid for today's semiconductor technologies, although they were suitable through the 1980s. Essentially all commercial computers, including HPC, have been and are von Neumann derivatives. The bottlenecks imposed by this heritage are the emphasis on ALU/FPU utilization, single instruction issue and sequential consistency, and the separation of memory and processing logic (von Neumann bottleneck). Here the authors explore the possibility and implications of one class of non von Neumann architecture based on cellular structures, asynchronous multi-tasking, distributed shared memory, and message-driven computation. Continuum Computer Architecture is introduced as a genus of ultra-fine-grained architectures where complexity of operation is an emergent behavior of simplicity of design combined with highly replicated elements. An exemplar species of CCA, is considered comprising billions of simple elements, fontons, of merged properties of data storage and movement combined with logical transformations. Employing the ParalleX execution model and a variation of the HPX+ runtime system software, the Simultac may provide the path to cost effective data analytics and machine learning as well as dynamic adaptive simulations in the trans-exaOPS performance regime.
Commercial computers have been predominantly von Neumann derivative architectures throughout the seven decades of digital electronic information processing the enabling technologies and the logical structures have varied widely over this period
These strategy elements in concert establish the guidelines that govern the manifestation of continuum computer architectures for ultra-scale computing
The experimental ParalleX execution model serves this purpose as an abstraction to define and guide the semantics of computing implemented as a version of the HPX family of runtime systems [18, 19]
Commercial computers have been predominantly von Neumann derivative architectures throughout the seven decades of digital electronic information processing the enabling technologies and the logical structures have varied widely over this period Such systems like MPPs, SIMD, vector, ILP, and multithreaded, while representing their own distinct ways of exploiting parallelism, have none the less been based on the fundamental principles of the von Neumann model of the 1940s. These include sequential instruction issue and sequential consistency, optimizing for ALU/FPU utilization as the precious resource, and separation of processing and memory. The paper concludes with an analysis that suggests that an exascale computer employing such concepts could be devised and fabricated using contemporary CMOS semiconductor technology and managed through current experimental dynamic adaptive software techniques in a relatively cost effective way compared to current projected approaches
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