
A complete lightning flash scheme is implemented in the three‐dimensional (3‐D) nonhydrostatic mesoscale model Méso‐NH of the French community. The scheme, which is part of the electrical scheme, follows a new approach with two steps. First, lightning flashes are modeled as bidirectional leaders to mimic the vertical propagation of the initial discharge channels along the electric field. Then, a probabilistic branching algorithm is adapted from the dielectric breakdown concept to reinforce the flash propagation toward distant regions of high charge density but immersed in a weak electric field. This results in a high increase of the total length of the lightning flash channel and also in a better capture of the morphology of intracloud lightning flashes. The electrification and lightning schemes are tested for an ideal case of a supercellular storm. The model succeeds in reproducing the general features of a storm and the electric charge cycle. Sensitivity analyses show that the implementation of a branching stage is necessary and efficient enough to relax the growth of the electric field. The intracloud discharges generated by the model look realistic with a two‐layer horizontal structure extending over tens of kilometers from the triggering area. The lightning flash length and the quantity of charge neutralized are ten times more important when the branching algorithm is taken into account. The main conclusion drawn from this study is the feasibility and the benefit of an advanced treatment of lightning flashes in 3‐D numerical simulations with an electrification scheme.

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