
This article discusses the semantics of movement verbs in Kyrgyz and Russian languages in a comparative typological aspect. One of the main lexical-semantic groups of the semantic system of the verb are the verbs of movement. Verbs of movement — one of the main semantic varieties of the substantive aspect of the verb. They occupy a prominent place in the semantic side of the language. Therefore, the relevance of the study in the multi-structural languages of the semantic system of motion verbs is very rich in meanings and shades of meanings. The basis of the lexical meaning is a concept that, however, is not identical with the meaning. The lexical meanings of words can be close to each other, for example, the verbs of the movement “выйти” — “go out, go out” and “уйти” — “go away, go away, go away” and may not have any connections with each other at all, for example, “прийти” — “come, come” and “спать” — “sleep”, “идти” — “walk, go” and “жениться” — “get married”, “думать” — “think” such examples are reflected. In addition, it was noted since the lexical meaning consists of two components — the significative and denotative, they are essentially characteristic of the verbs of movement.

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