
The purpose of the article is to determine the importance of indicators of personnel security assessment in the system of indicators of economic security assessment of the enterprise. The novelty of this analysis is that it emphasizes the importance of the moral dimension as the basis of personnel security (not only the enterprise). It should be added that the given indicators of economic security can be calculated and changes in their dynamics can be studied, which contributes to the adoption of appropriate and timely decisions. The study of the moral dimension is already in the area of universal human values, but it directly affects all processes.
 «... domestic enterprises' restructuring of their activities in conditions of dynamic uncertainty of external environmental factors and adaptation to market conditions is a continuous process, but the methods of achieving competitive advantages and obtaining profits already depend on the "quality" of the human resource that performs management - on its moral dimension» [1, p. 269].
 Since the staff is both an object and a subject of management, the purposeful moral and intellectual impoverishment of the working population of the country is both a cause and a consequence of the decline not only of the management of individual enterprises, but also of the degradation of Ukrainian society. The origins of a low level of management should be considered in the aspect of interrelated processes, starting with studies in a higher educational institution. The young generation of "consumers with clip-on thinking" loses its value orientations, and the implementation of the principle of "negative selection" not only in the government, but also in Ukrainian institutions at all levels, nepotism and corruption contribute to the further degradation of Ukrainian society as a whole.

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