
Dermatology is a visual discipline, as is diagnostic radiology; the skill is in the eye of the beholder. With only a quick glance (augenblick), the diagnosis is made. Neophytes learn at different rates; some have a discerning eye (they are the good “noticers”), others require repetitive encounters. These 4- by 6-inch flash cards with color photographs of 77 diseases of the skin should help in the recognition of skin lesions. On one side of these sturdy cards is a large excellent color photograph and on the flip side a short outline of the disease. This permits the learner to first test her or his skill in diagnosis, then to see the answer on the back with a description of the clinical findings and the management of the disease. The flash cards would appear to be a “must” for both the primary care physician and the dermatologic nurse-practitioner for whom diagnosis is the most difficult. I gave these flashcards to a medical student, a beginning dermatology resident, and a primary care physician. All 3 agreed that this teaching device was unique, being very handy to use in various “time slots”—short breaks, waiting areas, and travel in a car, plane, or train. One remarked: “Overall it was/is fun to go over the cards with a colleague and try to come up with the right diagnosis and therapy.” A skin game! They noted, however, the absence of a short differential diagnosis. The Shelleys have been prolific and innovative in producing large dermatology books (therapy and diagnosis), and this new format has the flavor of the legendary Walter Shelley, with his bon mots and words of wisdom, based on a long distinguished career as clinical scholar and teacher of dermatology.

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