
A quantitative micro high-performance liquid chromatographic (MHPLC) procedure for the determination of gitoxin and digitoxin in Digitalis purpurea leaves has been developed. Quantitation of cardiac glycosides was carried out by the incorporation of an internal standard. The extract of dry leaf powder was submitted to a solvent-partition sequence followed by preparative thin-layer chromatography before MHPLC analysis. MHPLC was performed on an ODS micro column, using a mobile phase of acetonitrile—methanol—water (15:15:19) and an ultraviolet detector at 220 nm. The amounts of gitoxin and digitoxin per 100 mg of dry leaf powder were estimated to be 0.1453 and 0.0820 mg, respectively. The proposed method using MHPLC has proved to be precise and reproducible.

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