
The CVH package in the MELCOR code is responsible for modelling the thermal–hydraulic behavior during severe accident. This work presents a sensitivity study of thermal–hydraulic nodalization in the core region for MELCOR simulations of postulated severe accidents in a pressurized water reactor (PWR). Three nodal schemes are developed with a good agreement of steady-state parameters. Two accident scenarios: loss of coolant accident (LOCA) and station blackout (SBO) are simulated. The analysis is focused on the effect of the control volumes (CVs) in the CVH nodalization on the simulation results of in-vessel accident progression, including the core degradation, hydrogen generation and fission products release, etc. It is found that compared with the coarse CVH nodalization (1 CV), the radial refinement of CVH nodalization (7 CVs) leads to different impacts on accident progression in the two scenarios: faster core relocation and more hydrogen generation is predicted in the LOCA scenario, but it is opposite in the SBO scenario. The finest nodal scheme (49 CVs) with refinement in both radial and axial direction tends to predict an earlier occurrence of cladding rupture, RPV failure and faster core relocation, as well as more hydrogen generation. The CVH refinement makes little difference on the radioactive release.

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