This paper presents a sensitivity study of nodal scheme in MELCOR simulation of severe accidents in a pressurized water reactor, with the objective to estimate the nodal effects on some in-vessel and ex-vessel processes and phenomena, including thermal–hydraulic response, core degradation and relocation, hydrogen generation, vessel failure, containment pressurization and venting, source term. For this purpose, three nodal schemes (i.e., coarse, medium and fine meshes) of the COR package of the MELCOR code are chosen to analyze two severe accident scenarios: small break loss of coolant accident (SBLOCA) and large break loss-of-coolant accident (LBLOCA), both combined with station blackout. The results show that the nodal schemes mainly affect the calculations of heat transfers from the core to coolant and heat structures, relatively affecting the core degradation and relocation to the lower head of the reactor pressure vessel. As for the consequences, the coarse mesh tends to predict slower core relocation progressions and a later failure of RPV lower head. Moreover, more hydrogen generation by cladding oxidation can be observed in the coarse mesh case. The nodal schemes have little impact on the estimation of in-containment source term. Meanwhile, the simulations with fine mesh may also provide more detailed distributions of corium masses and temperatures, as well as heat fluxes, affecting thermal and mechanic behavior of RPV lower head.
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