
This paper presents an assessment and comparison of the core degradation progression in four Station Blackout (SBO) scenarios analysed by the ASTEC computer code. Two types of SBO scenarios namely with high- and low-pressure conditions are considered. The low-pressure conditions in the SBO scenarios were simulated by introducing a small break loss of coolant accident in the cold leg with an equivalent internal diameter of 80 mm. The selection of the break size was based on the idea to have a significantly faster primary side pressure reduction for simulation of low-pressure conditions and a significantly longer coolant injection from the hydro accumulators (passive safety system).For both types of selected scenarios, the plant behaviour was analysed without operator actions, which allows assessing the times to reach the important set points during the accident progression. The set points include; a) the prediction of the dryout of the steam generators (SG) (or loss of SG effectiveness), b) the loss of natural circulation leading to core uncovery and heat up, c) the beginning of hydrogen generation, d) different stages in core degradation, e) the actuation of the passive safety system etc. The analyses were performed until reactor vessel failure takes place in both of the investigated scenarios. The purpose of these analyses is to study the reactor core behaviour parameters and to estimate the time available to perform operator actions.In addition, this investigation is focused on the assessment of the effectiveness of operator actions as prescribed in the Severe Accident Management Guidlines (SAMGs) for the investigated reactor type. The referenced NPP is KNPP equipped with two VVER 1000 V320 reactors. The ASTECv2.1.1.0 computer code has been used for the investigation. The aim of these analyses is to assess the possibility preserving the reactor core from damage during a severe accident and to assess the hydrogen generation that occurs as a result of the overheated core reflooding at high- and low-pressure initial conditions. The injection of a coolant by an active system will start at the same core exit temperature for each scenario, but at different pressure.

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