
Abstract The semiannual cycle in zonal wind over the equatorial Indian Ocean is investigated by use of ocean–atmospheric reanalyses, and linear ocean–atmospheric models. In observations, the semiannual cycle in zonal wind is dominant on the equator and confined in the planetary boundary layer (PBL). Results from a momentum budget analysis show that momentum advection generated by the cross-equatorial monsoon circulation is important for the semiannual zonal-wind cycle in the equatorial Indian Ocean. In experiments with a linearized primitive model of the atmosphere, semiannual momentum forcing due to the meridional advection over the central equatorial Indian Ocean is important to simulate the observed maxima of the semiannual cycle in equatorial zonal wind. Off Somalia, diabatic heating and surface friction over land weaken the semiannual response to large momentum forcing there. Results from a linear ocean model suggest that the semiannual zonal wind stress over the central equatorial Indian Ocean generates large semiannual variability in zonal current through a basin-mode resonance.

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