
This article reflects the results of a study on identifying the semantic features of phraseological units containing borrowings from the Russian language in the dialects of Russian Germans. The scientific novelty of the study includes the description of the specifics of the meaning of phraseological units of insular Russian-German dialects containing borrowed elements in their composition, tracing phraseological units created by German dialect means to convey the semantics of Russian set expressions, as well as semi-calques containing direct borrowings from the Russian language. The phraseological fund, presented in the text corpus of the Russian-German dialects existing in the Altai Territory, is characterized by significant originality, as it contains many phraseological units that differ from the standard and the original dialect variants. These features are reflected in the analysis of the studied fragment of the phraseological system of Russian-German dialects, phraseological units with components borrowed from the Russian language. As a result of the study, it was proved that borrowed words, penetrating into German phraseological units from the main lexical fund, acquire an expressive coloring, giving the phraseological unit additional evaluative meanings. Traced phraseological units of the Russian language serve to expand the phraseological fund of insular German dialects.

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