
SEMANGKA meaning is Semangat Kajian. Frequent delays in the acceptance of religious studies information, make the lack of interest to follow. The ease of receiving religious studies information is one of the factors to arouse the interest of pilgrims to follow religious studies. one of which is by creating an application that can be designed with the support of Android operating system platform. On this occasion the author wants to develop an application that aims to share information about the study of Islamic religion. Because currently emerging activities of Islamic religious studies and almost every day in various places there is a study of Islam. This Islamic study was initiated by various associations or religious communities. With this application every community who want to hold Islamic religious studies activities can upload the information into this application so that in the end every person or congregation can see all the information in one study application. The application not only covers the study information but added with the sholat schedule, the Islamic community information, streaming video from the study and connecting one pilgrim with other pilgrims. The feature that is not less important is the existence of a map to facilitate the route to the place of study activity. In the design of this application using Method Business Canvas (BMC) and also used Unified Modeling Language (UML) as a system design tools created. And in designing using PHP programming language, Sublime text to edit PHP script, database server that used MySQL and website application 2 apk developer as application that convert web application to android based application.

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